
Sunday, 22 June 2014


Above is a video of yarl restaurant's worker preparing foods near garbage dumps taken on 20 June 2014 at 5.40 a.m. in the morning. You can also view this video at You can also click here to read the email that I have sent to the Kuala Lumpur City Hall to complain about yarl restaurant's air and noise pollution program.

This Sunday morning, as usual, yarl restaurant started making loud and thunderous noise with its noisy kitchen hood at 6.05 a.m. and chased everyone of their bedrooms. This is nothing unusual for yarl restaurant is doing it every day. Yesterday, yarl restaurant turned on its kitchen hood even earlier i.e. 6.00 a.m. and the day before at 5.40 a.m. Old folks, young children, babies and sick people who do not need to get up so early have no choice but to wake up immediately as soon as yarl restaurant starts making loud and thunderous noise with its noisy kitchen hood and leave their bedrooms. Even
on Saturdays and Sundays, we are not spared. Although we do not work during the weekends, we cannot sleep a little bit later than usual because of the noise. Whether it is a Sunday or a public holiday, we have to leave our bedrooms early in the morning as soon as yarl restaurant turns on its noisy kitchen hood. This is actually a very cruel thing to do but yarl restaurant's boss is doing it every day without the slightest feeling of remorse even though he knows that he is causing everyone in the neighbourhood to suffer for his business. Wonder why there are still so many people who like to patronize yarl restaurant. Apart from selfishness and cruelty,  yarl restaurant's workers do not care about hygiene. If you love to eat dirty foods prepared near crow infested garbage dumps, yarl restaurant is your ideal restaurant. What I write here is the truth supported by evidence i.e. photos and videos. Please scroll down and click on the links given in this article and you will see lots of dirty things about yarl restaurant.
  1. Do you know that yarl restaurant's workers like to piss and prepare foods at the same place? Please click here to see a video of yarl restaurant's worker pissing into the drain. The place you see in this video is also yarl restaurant's outdoor kitchen where foods are prepared. (Please take note that apart from yarl restaurant's workers, tramps, drug addicts, and passers-by also like to piss in the drain at yarl restaurant's outdoor kitchen where foods are prepared).
  2. Yarl restaurant's kitchen is probably too small and that's why it is making use of the garbage dumps nearby (also known as its outdoor kitchen) to prepare food. You can click here to view some exotic photos of yarl restaurant's outdoor kitchen. You can also click here to read about how garbage dumps can be turned into open air kitchens.
  3. There are many crows in the neighbourhood and these crows often land on the dirty homemade table which yarl restaurant's workers use to prepare food because there are things to eat on this table. The crows are therefore luckier than yarl restaurant's customers because they get to eat the foods first before the foods are given to yarl restaurant's customers. Let's hope you won't get bird flu after eating crow infested foods. Please click here to see photos of yarl restaurant's crow infested outdoor kitchen.
  4. Yarl restaurant is very special because it is the only restaurant (as far as I know) which likes to prepare foods near garbage dumps. Do you know that you can get food poisoning from eating foods prepared and cooked near garbage dumps? Please click here to read the article entitle "Preparing Foods Near Garbage Dumps Can Cause Food Poisoning.".
  5. Do you know that yarl restaurant's workers do not care about hygiene? Please click here to view photos of yarl restaurant's workers who did not change thier clothes for 2 days but were busy preparing foods at yarl restaurant's outdoor kitchen.
Below are some of the latest photos of yarl restaurant taken this week. The sight of yarl restaurant's workers preparing foods near garbage dumps can really make one vomit. In actual fact, these garbage dumps (as what you can see in the photos below) can be considered as very clean already now. It used to be much, much, much, much worse before I first started publishing photos of yarl restaurant's outdoor kitchen in this blog.

What you see in this photo is the garbage dump on the left of yarl restaurant. What about the garbage dump on the right of yarl restaurant? Immediately after taking the above photo, I went out to take some photos of the garbage dump on the right of yarl restaurant. The following 3 photos below show you clearly what you can see on the right of yarl restaurant.

The garbage dump on the right of yarl restaurant.

The arrow in this photo is pointing at yarl restaurant's noisy kitchen hood. Next to the kitchen hood is yarl restaurant's outdoor kitchen where the workers prepare foods.

The arrow in this photo is pointing at yarl restaurant's noisy kitchen hood. Next to the kitchen hood is yarl restaurant's outdoor kitchen where the workers prepare foods. Below are photos of yarl restaurant's workers preparing foods at their outdoor kitchen near the garbage dumps taken last week.





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